Have you modified a vehicle? Perhaps, are you a business that regularly carries out installations or modifications? Or have you been informed that your vehicle cannot be registered until you provide a VASS Certificate?
Well, you’re in the right place.
We can help you whether you’re an individual with one vehicle or a business who modifies multiple per week. Commercial Vehicle Compliance specialises in VASS Certificates for both Light and Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
To find out how we can help you contact us now.
Quick Links
- To learn more about Heavy Vehicles
- To learn more about Light Vehicles
- Need to book an inspection click on the image on the side
- Want a free call back click on the link on the side
- To order a Truck Axle Load Calculation report see below
- Need an urgent Vass Certificate complete the Vass booking request form below.
Accreditation Partners

What is a VASS and why do I need one?
A VASS Certificate is an approval certificates issued under the VicRoads Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme. It is also known as an “Engineer’s Certificate” or “Engineer’s Report”. Other states can call it “Blue plates”, “VSB6 Plates”, or “VSB14 approval”. Whatever you name it, it only refers to one thing, and that is an Approval Certificate for a modification carried out to a vehicle.
Light vehicles which have a GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass) of 4500 kgs and below will require an Approval Certificates accepted by the Registration Authority. Each state has their own scheme for modification approvals. Some states will accept Approval Certificates from other States as proof of compliance. Others will need to be issued in the approving State’s scheme only. All modified light vehicles will need to be made available to the marketplace prior to modification and be provided with a weighbridge docket from a Public Weighbridge.
What if I need an Approval Certificate for another state?
We can help you with that too. Commercial Vehicle Compliance can provide a VASS Approval Certificate for the state of Victoria which can also be accepted for South and Western Australia, Northern Territory, A.C.T and Tasmania. We are registered in the “Approved Person Scheme” for the Department of Transport and Main Roads in Queensland and can provide Certificates of Modifications for limited VSB14 light vehicle codes. For New South Wales, we are a licensed certifier under the Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme (NSW) and can provide VSCCS approval for limited codes.