A Light vehicle is a vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) up to 4500 kg and below.
As a rule, these vehicles cannot be modified before being made available to the market. Under the Federal Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 it is an offence to modify a light vehicle before it is first used in transport (effectively when it was first registered). We recommend that all light vehicles be registered before starting any modification and that the modifications be carried out by professionals who have the technical experience and ability to undertake the task.
We can provide approval certificates for vans, light buses, and light commercial vehicles. We don’t provide services for cars or hotrods. Commercial Vehicle Compliance is licensed to provide VASS certificates in Victoria, Blue Plates for TMR in Queensland (limited codes) and VSCCS certificates in New South Wales (limited codes). As part of the mutually recognized scheme, a VASS certificate can be accepted in most States of Australia.
Accreditation Partners

Clarification on Registration Requirements for New Light Vehicles Modified Before Initial Registration
A new light vehicle that is manufactured as a ‘cab chassis’ can only be registered after it has had a tray or other body fitted to it, i.e. a vehicle cannot be registered as a ‘cab chassis’ body type.
If a tray or body is fitted by the dealer and is within the manufacturer’s standard available range for that vehicle, then a VASS certificate is not required before the vehicle can be registered. If the vehicle is sent to a third party to have a body / tray fitted that is identical to the manufacturer’s standard available range for that vehicle, then a VASS certificate is not required before the vehicle can be registered.
If a vehicle that is manufactured as a ‘utility’ or ‘dc ute’ body type has the tub or tray changed by the dealer to another type of tub or tray that is within the manufacturer’s standard available range for that vehicle, then a VASS certificate is not required before the vehicle can be registered.
The only time a VASS certificate is required for a new vehicle is when any modification is outside the manufacturer’s standard specifications. For example, a tray that is outside the standard specifications or dimensions is fitted (which must still comply with manufacturers’ body builder guides).
The above is an extract for VicRoads Dealer Bulletin No. 5 2016
We can approval modification approval and certificates for light commercial vehicles and light buses for the following types of modifications;
In Victoria;
Wheelbase Conversion and Design.
Body/Chassis Variant Conversions.
Camper & Motorhome Conversions.
Seating & Seat Belt installation or removal including Anchorages.
Child Restraint Anchorages.
Installation of Aftermarket Roll-bars, Roll Cages and ROPS.
And use of most appropriate VSB6 codes are to light vehicles.
Victoria VASS Certificates can be accepted in Tasmania, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, North Territory, and Western Australia as compliance under the mutually recognition scheme between the signed States.
In New South Wales;
(C1) – Braking.
(C2) – Driving Controls & Aids.
(C3) – Seating or Occupant Protection.
(C5) – Body, Chassis or Frame, Suspension, Steering,
Transmission or Driveline, Wheels, Tires or Axles or Lighting Systems
In Queensland;
Campervan & Motorhome Conversion.
Roof Conversion.
Vehicle Construction.
Body & Chassis Variant Conversion.
Seat and Seatbelt installation/Removal.
Child Restraint Anchorage Installation.
Installation of Aftermarket Roll-bars, Roll-cages and ROPS
Construction and Installation of One-Off Roll-bars and Roll-cages by Individuals
Fuel Tank Alteration
To learn more Contact Us now!