Vans are designed as goods carrying vehicles. Most are considered to be light vehicles, only requiring a car license. However, some are manufactured with GVM’s over 4500kg, resulting in the need of a light truck license. From time to time these vehicles are modified to wheelchair or passenger carrying vehicles.
If a van has undergone a change in seating capacity, a Vass Certificate or Modification Certificate is required by the Roads Authority as evidence of compliance. The vehicle can no longer be classified as a goods carrying vehicle if the combined occupant mass is equal to, or exceeds, 50% of the vehicle’s payload. All vehicles that have been modified need to establish the new tare mass weight. This can be obtained from a public weighbridge station.
For more information about additional seating requirements please see the Seating page on this website. Click here.
But one thing in common for all Buses in Victoria is the annual Bus Safety Inspection. Every 12 months Buses must undergo an annual Bus Safety Inspection carried out by a licensed vehicle inspector. This is to satisfy a minimum level of safety and standards expected when used for the transportation of passengers.
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Vans are the perfect size vehicle for conversion to a wheelchair transport vehicle. They can meet the size and space requirements for wheelchair occupants and can easily be modified without too much work. VSI 8 (hyperlink to new page) from VicRoads states that all vehicles fitted with a wheelchair lifter must obtain a Vass certificate. To learn more about the requirements for wheelchair vehicles click here.
Tailgate loaders can be fitted to vans enabling the loading and unloading of heavy bulky items easily with minimal effort. These can be fitted to the outside or inside of the rear of the Van. Making light weight of heavy work.
Van can undergo modifications to create a variety of purposed designed vehicles from ambulances, campervans, mobile workstations and many other functional vehicles.
If you are modifying a van and need a modifications certificate from an Approved Vehicle Examiner, contact us to discuss you needs and requirements.