Axle Load Calculations – Axle Weight
and Wheelbase Configuration.
Manufacturers, bodybuilders, and modifiers must ensure that the axle loads are optimised for maximum legal limit when a body is fitted onto a cab chassis, or when a wheelbase is modified. It is very important to ensure that no axle on the vehicle is overloaded with the legal limits or OEM ratings.
Commercial Vehicle Compliance can provide an Axle Load Calculations report including a layout drawing for the vehicle dimensions, ideal body position or wheelbase and weight charts for front and rear axles. This provides a blueprint for the workshop, a record for the manager and a sales tool for the client.
This service carried out before the modifications can save time and money, achieve maximum payload, and comply with legal limits.
Request an Axle Load report for your job now.
Accreditation Partners

If the vehicle is in the database we can provide an Axle Load Calculations drawing for $99 Including GST, (credit card charges may apply). Reports can be designed for body positions optimising maximum payload or wheelbase dimensions. This service allows for one revision or amendment to the originally supplied drawing.
Additional vehicles can be added to the database on application. If requesting a new vehicle into the database please supply Manufacturers’ Spec Sheets. Fees apply.